New 8-inch sewage pump completes the KS range
We are proud to unveil our new diesel driven BA200KS D388 mobile sewage pump. The new pump fulfills the ‘capacity gap’ between the existing BA180KS and BA300KS and completes the KS range. The KS screw channel impeller pumps are developed for handling raw sewage.
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New tractor driven pumps
We proudly announce our new tractor pumps for rapid response to floods. The line-up consists of highly efficient dry prime centrifugal pumps on robust tractor frames. Optionally, the new tractor pumps can be equipped with hose racks, a real must-have for emergency situations.
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High head dewatering pump in granite mine in Poland
Our BBA Pumps branch in Poland recently supplied a BA80H D290 high head pump for the dewatering of a granite mine. Due to the height differences, a lot of pumping pressure is required to discharge the excess water. Our 3-inch high head pump is a perfect pump solution for the dewatering of this quarry.
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Impressive flood control project in New Zealand
BBA Pumps distributor Prime Fluid Management, formerly known as Prime Pump, recently completed an impressive project. Two high volume pumps type BA500G D675 have been commissioned for long-term protection in North East Kaiapoi.
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Mining pumps for dewatering in Macedonia
Our partner in Serbia recently completed a pumping project with two high head pumps. These electric driven high head booster pumps are used for mine dewatering in Macedonia. One unit is driven by a 160 kW motor and the other pumpset is driven by a 400 kW motor.
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New automatic changeover switch for hybrid PT pump
You want to use the PT hybrid as an electric wellpoint pump but are not sure of a reliable power network. Then the automatic changeover system is a good solution. Developed by BBA Pumps, the system ensures that the diesel engine starts up as soon as the power fails.
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BLOG | BBA Pumps USA has its own website
For North American pump users, we have www.bbapumpsusa.com. In this blog we explain why. Visit www.bbapumpsusa.com for the technical data in the Imperial measuring system on the range of pumps and accessories tailored specifically for the North American market.
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New tractor-driven emergency pump BA160L
BBA Pumps is expanding its range of tractor pumps with a new emergency pump designed for flood control. With a capacity of 10 m3/min and a variety of user friendly features, it is a real must-have for water management authorities.
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BLOG | Pumping high temperature liquids
Pumping liquids at a high temperature requires extra attention and you need to be aware of all the issues that are involved. High liquid temperature changes the characteristics of the pump, but you also need to consider other factors such as the expansion of materials and operational safety.
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Sewage pump range expands with new 12-inch BA300KS
We are excited to announce the introduction of the new BA300KS mobile sewage pump. The new pump will be a great addition to the already popular KS screw channel impeller pumps.
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BLOG | Pump performance curves explained
In this blog we explain why pump speed is a key factor. Step by step, we explain the four performance curves charts of a BBA Pumps centrifugal pump. We also share a video where we briefly present the main information shown in the pump curve.
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Wellpoint dewatering pump of the future
The PT100 DriveOn® is a diesel-driven piston pump designed for wellpoint dewatering. This pump is the successor to the discontinued PT130 diesel and provides the ability to substantially drive down operational costs (see savings).
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New BA150KS DriveOn® has the lowest Life Cycle Costs
BBA Pumps is proud to introduce the new BA150KS DriveOn®. A mobile 6-inch sewage pump with the lowest life cycle costs in the market. This new pump delivers enormous cost savings on both fuel and maintenance.
Read more - BLOG | Pump winterization 23/11/2022
Pump Spotlight with user experiences
This month the BA75 dewatering pump is the spotlight! After its introduction three years ago, this 3-inch mobile centrifugal pump has quickly become one of the most popular dewatering pumps worldwide.
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The new Handy line couplings and accessories on tour
We have been overwhelmed with the positive feedback from the launch of the new Handy line of couplings and accessories. We believe that everyone should experience the ultra-light Handy products for themselves.
Introduction new Handy line - Portable valves
The pump capacity and back pressure can be regulated with portable gate valve in the piping system. This way you can quickly close the pipes in no time if the mobile pump has to be disconnected.
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Introduction new Handy line - Pump strainers
Suction strainers help to avoid blockages in the centrifugal pump. Handy suction strainers with quick couplings are available with different sized perforations. In addition to perforations, BBA Pumps also supplies suction strainers with bars which enable the free passage to be increased for sewage pumping.
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Introduction new Handy line - Flow meters
For many pump professionals flow measurement is a regular part of their daily work. In some countries it is even mandatory to measure how much water will be pumped from A to B or how much groundwater has been extracted from a certain area.
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Introduction new Handy line - Couplings and accessories
Handy is a revolutionary new line of quick couplings and accessories for use in piping systems of mobile pumps. The couplings are compatible with system C and the launch covers a complete 4-inch range.
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High oil prices? Here are 5 tips to save on fuel consumption
With the oil price on the rise it might be time to revise the fuel consumption of your mobile pump fleet. A small fuel saving per hour can return substantial improvements to the operational costs of your fleet.
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Prominent visit from Malaysia at the BBA Pumps factory
With climate change, flooding is becoming a global topic. In the past, we mainly built emergency pumps for the Dutch Water Boards. Nowadays, the interest comes from all over the world.
Read more - BLOG | basic knowledge of pump impellers 25/05/2022
Electrically driven pumps with a canopy
Clients regularly ask us for advice when planning their purchases. A common question concerns the electric pump sets: What is the advantage of an electric pump with a canopy compared to an open frame version?
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New settlement tank now prepared for Handy water meter
BBA Pumps introduces a new settlement tank for mobile pumping systems and wellpoint dewatering. The settlement tank is now prepared for the installation of a Handy water meter and is equipped as standard with a composite grating cover and logo panels for your own branding.
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BLOG | pipe SDR and wall thickness
We regularly receive questions about SDR; what does pipe SDR mean? What does it have to do with the wall thickness? How is it calculated? Users of mobile pump systems need to be prepared for all kinds of situations.
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The first plug-in hybrid wellpoint dewatering pump
BBA Pumps is proud to introduce the first plug-in hybrid wellpoint dewatering pump. With the new plug-in hybrid PT pump you can start reducing the groundwater level using the diesel engine and as soon as the power supply is available, you can easily switch over to the electric motor.
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The way to CO2 neutrality with synthetic fuel
In accordance with our constant focus on the environment, we are pleased to announce our next step towards CO2 neutrality. Our engine suppliers Hatz and Perkins have agreed to the use of synthetic fuels. This allows the pumps to run on renewable fuels, which allows you to achieve a CO2 reduction of up to approximately 90%.
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Tjaden chooses PT150 wellpoint dewatering pumps
Tjaden, a dewatering company with more than 126 years of experience in groundwater management has made a major investment in new pumps. The result is a great order for the delivery of twenty-five electric wellpoint pumps.
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Permanent bypass pump mounted at a lift station
A permanent bypass pump at a customer’s lift station in South Carolina was in need of replacement. The old pump that was installed did not live up to standard anymore and this is where Rain for Rent came to the rescue.
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BBA Pumps introduces three new mobile pumpsets
BBA Pumps proudly introduces three new mobile pump sets. A new model canopy containing a clean and fuel-efficient 3.6 liter engine forms the foundation. The three different centrifugal pumps are familiar pumpmodels from the BA series with improved performance.
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"The future of pumping stations is here – it came from Holland"
In its latest edition, the NZ Local Government Magazine publishes an in-depth article featuring the history and current usage of flood control emergency mobile pumps.
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Manure pump saves time and money
An electrically driven BA-C100S26 pumps the digestate through its own underground piping system from the biogas plant to the manure containers on the surrounding arable land.
Read more - Pump overhaul preserves historical pumping station 27/05/2021
New pump certificate for lifting eye
You can rent out your pumpset and suddenly the customer demands a unit lifting eye certificate. Luckily, you have BBA Pumps in the rental fleet. From now on you can ask us for a DNV GL Design Verification Report for mobile pumps in a M10 skid.
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Over pumping in Hollywood starring BA150KS
Though it is Hollywood in Florida, it is the first BA150KS with screw channel impeller at work in the United States. For over pumping sewage during a lift station pump repair along the beach promenade this brand new pumpset was installed to control the sewer flow.
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The wellpoint system is running before the jetting water dried up
Nice feedback from a satisfied wellpoint dewatering customer in North Wales. And that makes sense as the new wellpoint gear works much more efficiently than the old, knowing that the project will last for many years to come.
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Eldorado Gold Mine - dewatering in Turkey
BBA Pumps Turkish distributor Bilgi A.Ş has recently commissioned four electric mine dewatering pumps. The high pressure pumps are located in an underground gold mine in Western Turkey at a depth of about 150 meters.
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Rapid response flood control pumping package
Designed by the men in the field and manufactured by BBA Pumps. This is a mobile pump system with a capacity of 130 m3/min (7800 m3/hour) which can be quickly set up in case of high flood water emergencies. With no time to lose and failure not being an option, the heroes who keep our feet dry know what’s best.
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BBA Pumps expands its activities in Africa
With the final signature the last formalities have been successfully completed. Starting from November, African Generator Company has been appointed as the exclusive distributor of BBA Pumps products for the entire African continent.
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Professional sewage bypass works fully automatic
Three electric BA300E pumps on a joint suction and discharge line are individually controlled by frequency inverters and automatic level control.
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Flood relief pumps for the United Nations in Djibouti
At the end of last year the United Nations Development Programme investigated the critical flood sites in Djibouti. In total, thirteen “hot spots” have been designated where temporary pumping installations need to be installed.
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Temporary aeration of the Milicz waters prevents large scale fish death
At the beginning of July, local anglers discovered dark spots on the river surface and immediately notified the relevant services. Measurements taken revealed that there was almost no oxygen left in the water. BBA Pumps was immediately called in to install mobile pump systems to provide temporary aeration.
Read more - Prime Pump knows the need for speed 15/07/2020
- New BBA Pumps control panel for Stage V pumpsets 09/07/2020
- BBA Pumps delivers special pump for GTL plant 01/07/2020
Mine dewatering pumps can’t wait
"The mobile pumping world is perhaps not so well known but it’s an extremely interesting industry with many technical disciplines" says Ruud Freriks - Service Coordinator of BBA Pumps.
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linQ: maximum insight into your pumps performance with the remote monitoring system
With linQ, the new digital platform from BBA Pumps, you can monitor and analyze your pump fleet easily and conveniently from almost anywhere in the world. You can now monitor detailed engine, pump and geo data remotely with the user friendly linQ interface.
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Even the 12-inch BA300E pump is multifunctional
The largest mobile pump with an E-impeller is the 12-inch BA300E. During the cold winter months, this pump was used in a sewage bypass project in the Russian city of Archangelsk. Following this it was moved to a site in Saint Petersburg filling a reservoir with river water.
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Construction of Agadir desalination project
Another international pumping project for the Spanish dewatering company Ferrer S.L. The construction of World’s largest sea water desalination plant in Agadir is on track. The new plant will offer drinking water for the people of Ctouka Ait Baha region and also irrigate 15,000 hectares of land.
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Electrically driven portable pumps
As a manufacturer of mobile pumps, we see electric motors becoming increasingly popular. On construction sites and in temporary pumping installations, more attention is paid to stable power supplies. BBA Pumps has completely renewed the platform for electric mobile pumps and is ready for the future.
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Tunnel dewatering in Panama
A large number of BBA portable pumps were used last year for a tunnel dewatering project in Central America. This concerned planned repairs to a 4,250-metre-long tunnel located in Panama.
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The 3-inch mobile BBA pump is ready for action!
The BA75 has been developed for a large target group. In fact, it’s a mobile pump for everyone. It has all the features of a real construction pump – it's compact, lightweight, super silent, clean, economical, has high capacity with a large solids handling and is very robust.
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Make pumping easier with the new accessories platform
BBA Pumps has completely updated its assortment of accessories for mobile pumps. Information has been made more relevant with new technical data and product videos. In addition, new products have been added to further optimize your pump system.
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Rapid response to Polish disaster with BBA large volume pumps
Warsaw - BBA Pumps PL delivered two large volume pumps from stock following a disaster in the Polish capital. Last week, due to a failure of a waste water system, more than three million cubic meters of sewage water flowed into the Vistula river.
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BBA Pumps introduces a new pipe and hose rack
BBA Pumps introduces a new pipe and hose rack! BBA Pumps racks are designed for the transportation and storage of hoses, pipes and well point filters.
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Bypass pumping project Cologne Rand Canal
Four electrically driven BBA high volume pumps with a total of 800 kW motor power guarantee a bypass capacity of 3 m³/sec during work on the Cologne Rand Canal.
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Wainfleet flooding: BBA pumps used to reduce water levels
BBA Pumps high volume pumps are being used to lower water levels in a flooded Lincolnshire town. More than 580 homes in and around Wainfleet were evacuated amid concerns about flood defences. Dozens of people spent the night away from their homes in emergency centres.
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How many well point filters on a PT150 pump?
This is a question we are frequently asked, however, there is no simple answer. The number of well point filters per pump depends in fact on such variables as the type of soil, its composition, the speed at which the groundwater flows and the depth of the construction site.
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A wellpoint dewatering pump onboard a ship?
In a rather unusual application for us, you can now find a PT130 wellpoint dewatering pump in the engine room of the Devyanta, a barge used for sand transportation.
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Bentonite pumping with horizontal directional drilling
Welvreugd Drilling, a Dutch pipeline construction company recently purchased a new mobile bentonite pump for use in HDD - Horizontal Directional Drilling. The pump is used to pump the mixture from the recycler through the hollow pipe into the borehole.
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PT wellpoint pump runs 69000 operating hours until the first engine change
After 69000 operating hours, it was deemed time to replace the diesel engine on a PT series pump at Geverinck, a Dutch wellpoint dewatering company. "It was still working, but we did not want to risk it further for longer lasting projects".
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New 24-inch mobile emergency pump for Dutch water board
Renovation work was started at the end of August on the Wetering polder pumping station. The project contractor Flowserve selected the BA600G D635, which is capable of pumping 5000 cubic meters of water per hour. Due to the high pump efficiency and low head, a compact 4-cylinder Stage IV diesel engine is suitable for the drive.
Read more - "Your pumps make us rich" 15/08/2018
Military helicopters were rapidly deployed to make the BA150E emergency pumps quickly available in the right place
New Zealand made every minute count when a tsunami warning was issued following the Kaikoura earthquake. Military helicopters were rapidly deployed to make the BA150E emergency pumps quickly available in the right place.
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The Netherlands lowers its dikes to make room for the rivers
The Netherlands is located in the delta of three major European rivers. Water related issues such as flooding are always a risk. After a serious warning in 1995, when 250,000 people had to be evacuated due to a dangerously high water level, the national program ‘Room for the River’ came about.
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BBA Pumps supplies lock complex with a unique temporary pumping installation
BBA Pumps has recently delivered a unique pumping system which takes care of the water level difference by means of a flexible construction at the discharge side. The discharge connection of the 20" high volume pump - type BA500G - is vertically installed.
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Dredging technology – underwater excavation and construction
In order to install a three story parking basement the contractor is excavating down to a level often meters below sea level. The jetting pump used to power the nozzles is a purpose built BBA Pumps jetting pump.
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Flood relief pumps deployed for LOW water crisis management
Following the collision of a barge with a weir in the river Maas, the canal water level between the Maas and Waal rivers fell dramatically. The Dutch public works department has responded with the deployment of three emergency pumps.
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BBA Pumps mobile emergency pumps provide rapid response for floods
In 2004, a budget was approved for purchasing 20 new mobile pump sets, including the necessary piping work. Initially, 10 high-flow pump sets with a capacity of 3,000 m³/hour (13,200 gpm) were delivered. Four years later, 10 ultra-high-flow pump sets with a capacity of 5,000 m³/hour (22,000 gpm) arrived.
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BBA Pumps delivers the largest mobile firefighting unit in Slovakia
Bratislava has a huge oil refinery with an annual capacity of six million tons of oil and other chemical products. Mark van Rosse – a BBA Pumps service engineer – recently assisted in the commissioning of the largest mobile fire fighting pump unit in Slovakia.
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