Permanent bypass pump mounted at a lift station
07 December 2021
A permanent bypass pump at a customer’s lift station in South Carolina was in need of replacement. The old pump that was installed did not live up to standard anymore and this is where Rain for Rent came to the rescue.

After a successful demonstration of our sound attenuated, Tier 4 final, BA150E D285 by Chris Heyel the customer fell in love with the pumpset. And how can you not? This incredibly popular 6-inch unit was quickly installed and is now running smoothly. It looks like another job well done!
Technical data
Pump model: BA150E D285
Max flow: 500 m³/h – 2200 US gpm
Max head: 38 mwc – 125 ft.
Solids handling: 80 mm – 3.15ʺ
Super silent: 64 dB(A) @ 10 m – 33 ft.